What does joining Valorlub cost?

What does it cost to join Valorlub?

For 2025, the General Assembly of Valorlub has set the following rates for the contribution

  • 0.25 euro per litre for domestic oil (= motor oil in containers less than or equal to 25 kilograms)
  • 0.03 euro per litre for professional oil (= everything other than household oil that generates used oil)
  • 0 euro per litre for oil that does not produce used oil

Important: click here for a detailed list of the oils which fall within the scope of the acceptance obligation.


Comments on the Valorlub contribution

  • The Valorlub contribution to be paid by the participating producers and importers depends on the nature of the packaging and the type of oil and not on the destination of the product
  • The Valorlub contribution only applies to quantities which come onto the Belgian market; quantities that are exported are NOT covered by the Valorlub system
  • A VAT percentage of 21% is applicable to the Valorlub tariffs
  • The General Meeting of Valumat sets the tariffs of the contributions annually
  • The minimum contribution is € 150 for the year of affiliation and € 75 for the following years
<strong>Calculating</strong> the contribution

Calculating the contribution

It is not within the competence of Valorlub to advise its members and participants on how to deal with these costs. Valorlub allows the free market to operate and dealing with the costs is the responsibility of the members and the participants themselves.

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