Mission of Valorlub

Mission of Valorlub

Valorlub strives to comply with all provisions, obligations and objectives derived from the environmental policy agreements (MBOs). Discover how Valorlub organises the processing of used oil together with the various players in the market.

This mission includes:

  • raising the awareness of users of lubricating oils and of collectors and processors
  • developing and implementing a management plan that determines the necessary actions to achieve the objectives regarding collection and processing
  • preparing a prevention plan
  • the follow-up and evaluation of the results achieved
  • reporting the results obtained to the regional authorities

Valorlub also wants to let as many parties subject to the acceptance obligation as possible participate in the Valorlub system and reduce the administrative burdens derived from the acceptance obligation to a minimum.

Valorlub lets the free market operate. For the collection and processing of used oil, the management body works together with the various players on the market, provided that they comply with legal obligations.

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