What do you need to do to receive your compensation?

What do you need to do to receive your compensation?

Enter your unique code, which you will find on the letter from your collector, here and press the “continue” button.


* required field. More info on the number 02/456.84.52 or via mail.

Important for your accounting

  • The Valorlub premiums are subsidies and are therefore exempt from VAT
  • You do not have to send invoices and you do not receive a credit note
  • You book your fee on a 74-account (other operating income)
Fees for <strong>small quantities</strong>

Fees for small quantities

If you have up to 3.500 litres collected on an annual basis (via one or more collections), you are entitled to a fee. Valorlub determines this fixed amount depending on the quantity and type of oil, the market conditions for used oil and the collection method.


  • You are a professional oil user (garage owner, company, …) and you have your used oil collected on Belgian territory
  • You have up to 3.500 litres of used oil collected annually (via one or more collections)
  • You have your used oil collected by an accredited Valorlub collector
  • The type of oil used falls within the scope of the take-back obligation
  • The oil used is of good quality (< 10% water) and is not mixed with PCBs, water, solvents, cleaning agents, animal or vegetable oils, detergents, brake fluids, fuels and other hazardous waste
  • Valorlub does not pay a fee for the collection of transformer oil
  • There is no intervention when the used oil is collected free of charge or when the collector grants a compensation to the professional user


The fixed fee for collections in 2025 is:

  • from 0 to 1.000 liters: 165 euro
  • from 1.001 to 3.500 liters: 180 euro

What do you need to do?

You don't have to do anything yourself. It is your collector who annually passes on your data to Valorlub. You log in to our website with the unique code that you will receive from Valorlub in the course of April of the year following the year of collection and Valorlub will take care of the payment of your premium.

The fees related to collections in 2025 will be paid by Valorlub in 2026.


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